Some 50 Pakistan International Airlines employees, including three pilots, were terminated by the national carrier over the weekend.

The staffers were fired due to their fake academic degrees. According to the spokesperson for PIA Mashood Tajwar, the company has started a probe into the matter of fake degrees. As part of the probe those employees found guilty of the crime will be held accountable.

“We have begun probe into [the cases of] all staffers who were hired [while] holding sham degrees,”

Additionally, those with fake degrees are now facing increased scrutiny. This is due to Director General of Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) Hassan Baig who has also started a crackdown of his own against fake degree holders.

The CAA Director has issued directives for all the licenses to be suspended in this regard. Licenses will be suspended for all those pilots and cabin crews that have failed to submit or have not yet submitted their degrees and certificates.

The Director even asked for licenses to be suspended till the requisite documents are submitted by the aviation staff.

“Their licenses will remain suspended till they submit their referred documents for verification,”


The Director is not just going hard on aviation staff but contractors as well. Hassan Baig has issued directives for an extension in the defect liability period of all contractors of Islamabad International Airport. An extension of six months has been granted owing to their unsatisfactory performance.

Similar directives were also issued for the contractor in charge of boarding bridges of Islamabad Airport M/s Adelte due to dissatisfactory performance. They have been granted one year extension due to poor performance.

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