The prime suspect involved in Zainab’s killing and a few other rape cases has finally been arrested by Punjab Police in Kasur after confirmation of the DNA match. The entire country has demanded justice for Zainab by hanging the killer publicly.

Yesterday, a press conference was held to announce the same. The conduct of public office holders, however, was shocking, to say the least.

Chief Minister (CM) Punjab, Shahbaz Sharif and Law Minister Punjab, Rana Sanaullah held a press conference to congratulate everyone involved in efforts to arrest the perpetrator.

A footage appeared on the social media in which Rana Sanaullah was dictating the victim’s father what to say and what not.

While the father was sitting there quietly in grief, there were times when everyone, save him, forgot that it was a serious occasion. Everyone around him was laughing and congratulating each other while others clapped on the efforts of Punjab Police and CM Punjab.

The press conference has invited criticism online for how insensitively the whole thing was handled:

There were concerns that Zainab’s father was dictated terms about what to speak and what not to speak about:

A highly edited clip was circulated online as well, which gave the impression that Zainab’s father was not allowed to speak:

The full clip can be seen here, which still doesn’t answer the question of why there was a need to turn off the mic placed in front of the grieving father, and that too in a hasty and rude manner no less:

Shameful, indeed.

This was not something to score points for political careers!

A picture is worth a thousand words.

Perfectly said.

Laughing in front of the upset father was more than just bad optics.

The height of insensitivity.

One word: disgusting.

They were celebrating despite their failures.

It was your duty, not something to be very proud of.

And no remorse, whatsoever.

What do you think of the press conference yesterday?

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