MobileMonday (MoMo), the global mobile community which serves as a virtual meeting ground for mobile industry visionaries and influential stakeholders of the Information and Communication Technology community plans to launch its Centennial Chapter in Pakistan on April 19th, 2010.

MobileMonday phenomenon began almost by accident in Helsinki, Finland in the autumn of 2000. A couple of well-known Finnish visionaries invited top executives of the Finnish mobile industry to a pub for an informal get-together and incidentally the time that suited everybody was Monday evening.

Today MoMo chapters are spread across the world including Tokyo, Silicon Valley, Rome and Milan, Italy. MoMO works in hand with other NGOs and World Bank.

Global Mobile Monday network works by

  • Encouraging innovation within the mobile sector
  • Facilitating networking between small and large companies, locally and internationally
  • Helping local companies to get introduces and participate in global events and initiatives
  • Facilitating partnerships in business, education and development

MoMo’s Pakistani chapter will enable Pakistani Telecom to get synchronized with global telecom players. Expect more coverage on MoMo as event unveils and we get to meet MoMo founder and CEO.

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