With an overall score of 1.54 and a ranking of 24 on Connectivity Scorecard 2009, Pakistan finishes 2nd last among its peer group of 25 resource and efficiency-driven economies, faring slightly better than Nigeria, and behind neighbors India and Bangladesh.

Pakistan’s bright spot is the performance of its government segment, which fares reasonably well on the Brookings Institution’s measure of egovernment. As a result, in terms of government infrastructure, the country garners a score of 0.40, while government usage and skills has a score of 0.38.

Pakistan’s main weakness rests with the business segment, where it scores a dismal 0.03 in infrastructure and 0.13 in usage and skills, while the highest scores in these sub-categories are 0.73 and 0.74 respectively. This is followed by the consumer segment, where Pakistan scores an even 0.23 for both infrastructure and usage and skills, compared to 0.81 and 0.84 of the highest scoring countries in these subcategories.

Connectivity Scorecard : The Connectivity Scorecard is a groundbreaking study that – for the first time – ranks 50 countries around the world in terms of useful connectivity, that is, the extent to which governments, businesses and consumers make use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) to enhance a country’s social and economic prosperity. While many studies investigate the deployment of network infrastructure, the Connectivity Scorecard uniquely broadens the definition of connectivity to include how effectively that infrastructure is being used.

In other words, Connectivity Scorecard is a global ICT index, which measures the extent to which governments, businesses and consumers make use of connectivity technologies to enhance social and economic prosperity.

Read the full report on Pakistan here

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