Pakistan hosted the second largest number of refugees in the world following Turkey, which hosted the world largest population of refugees in 2017.

According to United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR), developing countries outdid the developed countries in their generosity to host people rendered homeless by conflicts, wars and natural calamities and disasters.

As per the UNHCR report, Turkey hosted the most numbers of refugees. It hosted 3.48 million refugees.  An overwhelming majority of them were Syrian, who fled the civil war in their home country to take refuge in Turkey.

Pakistan hosted the second largest number of refugees globally and hosted 1.39 million people.

Most of the refugees in Pakistan are from Afghanistan.

The UNHCR has praised Pakistan for hosting the Afghans ever since the former USSR invaded the country in the late 1970s.

Similarly, the voluntary repatriation of Afghan refugees from Pakistan to their own country was also the largest in the world, the report stated.

Since March 2002, UNHCR has facilitated the return of approximately 4.1 million registered Afghans from Pakistan.

Uganda hosted the third largest population of refugees, with over 1.35 million people during 2017 while Lebanon was host to the fourth largest refugee population of just under 1 million.

Pakistan neighbor Iran hosted some 9.79 lac refugees in 2017. The host of the sixth largest refugees population was Germany, which accommodated 9.70 lac refugees in the country.

Bangladesh also hosted 9.32 lac refugees which were the seventh largest in numbers.

Sudan  hosted 9.07 lac refugees followed by Jorden with 6.91 lac refugees.

France acted as home to 3.37 lac refugees in 2017 while the US hosted 2.87 lac refugees.

In 2017, Sweden hosted 2.40 lac refugees, UK 1.21 lac and Canada 1.04 lac refugees.

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