Earlier in July, Microsoft announced a visual update for its Office users. The company is now rolling out the Office visual refresh for both Office 365 and the regular version on Windows.

The Office visual update matches the aesthetics and style of Window 11, complete with rounded corners, retouched buttons, and an option to select a light/dark theme or sync it with Windows.

The update hides the Quick Access Toolbar by default to simplify its look. Users can easily view the toolbar by right-clicking the ribbon and clicking the Show Quick Access Toolbar option.

Users can check if they have received the update by looking for the ‘megaphone’ icon at the top right corner of the Office window. For now, it displays a Coming Soon message for the visual refresh option.

The visual refresh is available for Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote.

Changing the design of these four apps will also update the interface for Access, Project, Publisher, Visio, and Outlook. However, once changed, users cannot restore the design from these apps.

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