Everyone knows the importance of ecosystem in the success of an operating system, Microsoft more than most. With its Windows Phone market place fiasco, it learnt that the hard way.

So while Windows has arguably the most apps of any software ever, it is still making efforts to popularize the Windows Store which comes with the later versions, with the latest one being App Studio.

Not everyone knows how to make app, and a lot of people plain don’t need them, but with App Studio, even the peasants can make an app in less than ten minutes. No prior knowledge required. No need to write a single line of code or even open Visual Studio.

All you need is a web browser really and App Studio guides you step-by-step from there. Right now, the choices are a bit limited. The apps themselves can only mainly be used for displaying a webpage inside the app, or for curating your own sections or RSS Feeds from popular websites, but more should be coming in the future.

After the app is created, App Studio also takes screenshots from there for others to see in the Store. Live Tile support means you can create an interactive icon for your app, while the contents of the app can be updated, without the need to update the entire app on the storefront. People who have created an app in Windows 8.1 can ‘Convert’ it to a Universal app with the press of a button.

By making tools like these easily available to anyone, Microsoft might succeed in changing the fortunes of one of its online marketplaces, which with all its size and experience, it hasn’t achieved yet.

You can go here for more details and downloads

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