Are you ones of those people always manage to find out about that latest hip art exhibition or classical music event after they’re over? is here to help. A colloquial saying turned into a much needed service, is a repository of information on all the things happening across your city. operates in three major cities: Islamabad, Lahore and Karachi and is basically a comprehensive city guide. You can find out what events (like concerts or exhibitions) are happening, a list of the top rated restaurants, cinemas and so on in your city.

The site also doubles up as an online event ticketing platform, through which customers buy tickets that are delivered to their homes. However, this service is currently limited to Lahore.

Launched after just two months of work in May 2013, is currently based in the Microsoft Innovation Centre at Arfa Software Technology Park in Lahore. It is a facility with an incubator setup that helps early stage Pakistani startups grow. According to Daniyal, co-founder of the venture, the help offered in terms of office space, technical & software resources and workshops has been invaluable.

Talking about how the team came up with the very catchy name, Daniyal said, “”Kia Scene Hai?” phrase is always the one question asked by the Pakistani youth to ask what the plan is for today or tonight. Whether its movies or just hanging out at a friend’s place, people always ask this very question ke “Kia Scene Hai?” and we thought why not connect this phrase with event discovery, offering people to see what’s happening in their city and join an event for a change.”

To monetize the startup, online ticketing has come up as a novel solution in a market that suffers from the lack of an online payment solution (something we talk about here). KiaSceneHai,pk has successfully promoted events like screening for the India vs Pakistan match and a theatre, ‘Naql-e-Makani’ by Independent Theatre Company in Lahore. Through their reach, the venture helped deliver tickets to customer’s homes and aided event managers in increasing their reach. The highlight has been collaboration with Johnny Rockets for the Fifa World Cup 2014 which saw over 800 tickets sold for the screening events of the last 5 matches.

With the launch of 3G and 4G in Pakistan, the startup is expecting a marked increase in consumption of local content by smartphone users and is ready for that. The Android app is already out and an iOS version is expected to hit the shelves within 2 weeks. So whenever you’re out with your friends and wondering what to do, just go online to see aj kya scene ha.

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