ISPAkInternet Service Providers Association of Pakistan (ISPAK) lost is previous domain to some cybersquitter when he/she got it registered before ISPAK after it got expired, told us sources close to situation.

However, ISPAK has setup its website on a new domain ISPAK.PK, which is up and fully functional now.

When we asked an ISPAK official about any chance of taking back the old domain from the stealer, he showed disappointment and displeasure regarding the process and procedures of getting back a domain in Pakistan. He said its better to get a new domain instead of getting into the hassle.

ISPAK is the association of all ISPs of Pakistan. It’s website contains useful information about the state of internet and broadband in the country. A comprehensive index of documents pertaining to internet community is also available for download.

On a side note, ISPAK is displaying Google ADs – for what reason? We leave it up to you to decide.

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