Now you’ll know which of your friends is online on Instagram, thanks to a green indicator.

Instagram will show you a green dot just beneath your friend’s profile picture which indicates that the person is online. It will also show up when you’re about to share a post with your friends from your news feed and as well as in the direct messaging section.

The thing to keep in mind is that the green dot would only show up when the other person is either following you back or for people you have already talked to before through direct messaging.

How To Disable This Feature

You can also turn off this feature by going into your Instagram setting and then tapping the “Activity Status” tab and from there you can simply toggle it off.


You Can Now Add Music to Your Instagram Stories

An All-rounder Social Media Platform

Instagram says that this feature has been added so that users can know that their friends are online and they can send them a DM. Instagram is adding these features to their platform to stop their users from hopping over to some other messaging app like Snapchat or even Facebook messenger.

Some of the other features include: automatically deleting pictures just like Snapchat, the DM section showing when your friends were last active, adding music to your Instagram stories, IGTV, and making group video calls as well. All of these additions are making Instagram an all-rounder in the world of social media apps.

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