HTC has been struggling for the most part of the last two years. While the company did okay in 2014, it wasn’t able to match its sales in 2013 and did very badly in 2015. For the past few months, the company has been working tirelessly to reverse its fortunes with new products, hoping to become the darling of the masses once again.

HTC’s String of Losses

Back in October, HTC saw one of its lowest points in years when it suffered a net loss of almost USD 138 million. The company has also been recently dropped from the TWSE 50 Index, Taiwan’s stock market index for its top 50 companies. Before that, HTC announced that it will cut its workforce by 15 percent in order to reduce its fixed losses.

Has HTC Achieved A Turnaround?

It looks like the all these factors combined with the launch of HTC One A9 might have helped the company make some progress. HTC saw its monthly revenue increase in November by about 15 percent compared to the previous month. It received total revenues worth NT$10.29 billion (US$ 314.32 million). It’s quite an improvement when you consider that the downfall stopped and the company actually made some profit but there’s still some ways to go. In comparison, HTC made 40 percent more at the same time last year.

The HTC A9 – The New Star?

The major player here is the One A9 smartphone which made it to most markets about a month ago, in late October or starting November. One A9 might be a good upper mid-ranger but in order to make the A9, HTC had to discard its distinct brand identity with the actual HTC One design and BoomSound speakers.

HTC had to copy the device manufacturer which copied the HTC One design language, i.e. Apple with its iPhone 6. It’s debatable who copied which one more, but the contractual agreement between both companies a few years ago means there won’t be any lawsuits over the phone design. One less headache for HTC  to worry about.

It can be assumed that HTC revenues and subsequent profits, will keep rising at a steady pace throughout the next month as well, thanks to holiday sales throughout the globe. Different One M9 flagships will remain on offer alongside the A9 for the foreseeable future. HTC does indeed still have to make it out of the red, but the recent numbers paint a rosy picture for the Taiwanese manufacturer.

The company desperately required a hit product on their hands and now they’ve got one. HTC is also rumored to release a 6-inch flagship phablet early next year. Maybe the new device can help boost sales for the next year or so and pull back HTC into the big leagues?

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