This has been debated for long. There are enthusiasts who opine that social media can be productive for both your personal and professional lives, while others seem to have a different opinion.

Those who oppose the use of social media at work argue that the magnitude of time spent on social media, in offices, is usually uncontrolled and may go beyond the threshold level to ultimately start impacting the productivity of professionals.

They say that checking Facebook newsfeed or twitter stream is usually considered after completing your tedious assignment or a tough task (when you feel that a break is deserved), but the problem is that the duration of this small break gets beyond users’ control.

Surveys suggest that every time someone at work gets an IM, a Facebook message or a tweet, it takes them a whopping 23 minutes to get back on task. Taken all together, that costs the economy $650 billion per year in lost productivity in America only.

Same is the case for students, who on average spend three hours for checking their social media stream as compared to two hours of daily studies.


Via LearnStuff

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