Buying property is not an easy endeavor. There’s a fair bit of homework involved that allows the buyer to make the right decision. In Pakistan we have a few online property marketplaces that allow you to browse or sell properties right from the comfort of your home. But this system hasn’t really caught on with the public. The vast majority of us still rely on property dealers to find the right property. HomesPakistan is the first property portal that has tried to bridge this gap.

HomesPakistan is your typical property portal. You can create an account, and search or sell property. Seems fair enough. But now they have launched a Live Chat service which they hope will put them right on top of the local online property portal business. The Live Chat component of their website is extremely easy to use. You just have to click on a button that clearly says “Live Chat with Agents” and you are taken to a separate chat window where you can chat with authorized real estate agents.

“We continually look for ways to improve users experience on our portal, and to help our website members enjoy an edge over competitors,” says HomesPakistan Head of Products, Salman Mustafa. “We are excited to offer yet another value-added service for real estate professionals to not only generate more leads for agents but to enhance end users’ experience,” he adds further.

It is not a complicated process so the audience should not have a problem in actually using this feature. But we can’t help but express a few reservations at the efficiency of the  service at this moment in time. We tried Live Chat for ourselves and even after 20 minutes we could not get a reply from any agent. Compared to the instant response you can get from dozens of property dealers by just calling them, this is definitely something that is still in the stage of infancy.

All things considered, the live chat initiative taken by HomesPakistan should be appreciated because at least they have tried to do something new in the market space. Once they sort out the availability issues, getting in touch with a dealer through the internet will surely be of help to a lot of people.

Here’s the website link:

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