The federal government has devised a comprehensive drive against power theft in country in a bid to maximize recovery of power sector to overcome the chronic issue of circular debt.

The ever swelling inter-agencies payments and dues have chocked power sector and successive government have been running from pillar to the post to improve the recovery of the sector.

Federal Minister for Power Omar Ayub Khan on Thursday chaired a meeting at Power Division over the issue of power sector recoveries. He told the meeting that the government devised a comprehensive drive against power theft to overcome inefficiency of the system, and maximize recovery.


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The meeting was attended by Secretary, Power Division, Irfan Ali, Special Secretary Hassan Nasir Jamy, Managing Director Pakistan Electric Power Company (PEPCO), CEOs of all DISCOs and other senior officers of Power Division.

Highlighting the gravity of the situation, the minister said that power theft have assumed alarming proportion and the failure of the successive governments to fix the issue have led to the pile up of circular debt.

As part of the comprehensive drive to curb the menace of power theft, the ministry will form task force for every province. The task forces will be constituted in consultation with provincial governments which would provide political assistance and administrative support to the power distribution companies in their drive to eliminate power theft and recover power dues from defaulting consumers.

During the drive, the provincial and local law enforcement agencies will be asked to support the Discos teams constituted to crack down on the power thieves and defaulting consumers.

FIRs would be registered against those involved in power theft and action will also be taken against the power companies officials found facilitating the pilferers.

The directed the team of PEPCO to furnish report on average units losses on every feeder and verify the complaints of overbilling through spot checking.

He also directed the CEOs of all DISCOs to make their complaint centers more effective and result oriented.

The Minister emphasized that it was the vision of the present government to curb corruption within the system and he expected practical proof of the efforts of all CEOs in the fight against theft and corruption.

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