google_plus_logoNewly launched social network, Google Plus is said to have over 10 million users with 1 billion shares per day, Google’s CEO Larry Page revealed this during company’s quarterly earning call today.

I don’t have facts to support my theory but the figures seems to be pretty exaggerated or Larry didn’t clear things how they reckoned these stats.

If there are 1 billion shares per day with 10 million users, this comes out to be 100 shares per user, on average – which sounds way unrealistic.

If you guys remember, Mark Zuckerberg, in his recent speech of Facebook Video Chat launch, said that Facebook is serving some billion(s) of them per day with more than 750 million users.

In a wall post, Larry further revealed that Circles are currently most liked feature of Google+ among users as they provide easy to manage privacy solutions.

“Our goal with Google+ is to make sharing on the web like sharing in real life, as well as to improve the overall Google experience. Circles let you choose with precision who you are sharing with. Not surprisingly this has been very well received, because in real life, we share different things with different people”, Page said.

About +1 button, CEO Google said that it is already over the web with some 2.3 billion views per day.

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