Nowadays, whenever we hear about artificial intelligence, it is either in movies or in the tech world showcasing ways to fight it. However, Google has proved that some better things in life can be achieved via AI as well. Less spamming, for one.

While it is noted that less than 0.1% of all material in an inbox is spam, Google’s war against it continues. The first step? Use AI.

As of now, Google’s spam filter uses an artificial neural network to distinguish “the especially sneaky spam“. That’s the kind which can, in cases, get classified as an important mail. Machine tracking keeps track of your activities to guess whether you want certain newsletters and promos or not.

Another very important announcement is Postmaster Tools, aimed at high-volume senders. If the company offering its services is aligned within the parameters of Google’s image requirement, it will know stats like how often it is marked as spam, etc. It can also take additional steps so that customers don’t dismiss an important email as trash.

Finally, Gmail is now better armed at detecting impersonation, the “nasty source of most phishing attacks” so it will now know whether someone else is using your friend’s identity to exploit you.

These are all necessary steps to counter attacks on your email account. Google now estimates that just 0.05 percent of all mail goes to the spam folder, so certainly we’re heading towards the right direction.

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