It is clearly evident that Google is a huge fan of Star Wars and together with the help of Lucasfilm and Disney, the company has decided to provide you with a whole list of customization options, particularly for its online services, apps and the Chrome browser. Here is how you can give your Google experience the ultimate Star Wars makeover.

Google Currently Has Two Themes: The Light Side Or The Dark Side

When you visit the official link here, you will be asked to choose a side, which will ultimately form your entire Star Wars experience across Google. Just drag your picture logo across any of the two sides and click on ‘Join’. After that, you must also visit the Chrome store and download the extension of Star Wars from here.


Are you a Jedi or a Sith? Choose Wisely

What Will Happen When You Click On Join?

You will be redirected to another page, as you can see in the image below. You can always choose to change your side whenever you feel like it by clicking on the ‘Change Side’ option. After finally choosing your side, you will be asked to click on any one of the services icons of Google in order to commence your experience depending on which side you have chosen.


We suspect a lot of people will be fans of the Dark Side

How do I enable the feature on Google Chrome?

After you have downloaded the extension, follow these instructions.

  1. Open Google Chrome
  2. Open up Settings
  3. You will be able to view the option saying ‘An extension, Awaken the Force Within, is controlling this setting’
  4. Enable the ‘On startup’ option which is found directly above the extension notification
  5. Open a new tab in Google Chrome and have fun.


Don’t Forget to Get the Chrome Extension


Set it Up Correctly

What Will Happen If I Choose To Run My Gmail Account?

Depending on which side you have chosen, you will automatically see images based on that. Since we have decided to stick with the dark side, we will obviously be able to view a whole army of storm troopers as you can see in the image below.


Makes You Miss The Imperial March Theme Doesn’t it?

What Will Happen If I Open Up Youtube?

YouTube buffering bars now emit the same glow as lightsabers and predictive Google Now service is populated with Star Wars trivia as well.


YouTube Buffering Screen just got a little… Bearable?


Many Little Star Wars Touches Here and There

Other customizations will also include bombarding your calendar with Star Wars-related events and the small StreetView ‘Pegman’ in Google Maps transforms into either a First Order Stormtrooper or Resistance Pilot depending on the option that you choose in the very beginning.

As stated earlier, you can switch back to any side anytime you want to, or if you are finally bored, you can switch back to the default settings of Google. What did you think of this really cool addition prior to the official release of the Star Wars: The Force Awakens film?

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