With PIA Mobile you can conveniently inquire about flight schedules, check seat availability, make a reservation, or check your Awards Plus miles on your mobile with a single SMS.

Seat Availability

Seat [Departure city] [Arrival City] e.g. ‘Seat Karachi Lahore’
Seat [Departure city] [Arrival City] [Date] eg ‘Seat Karachi Lahore 5Jan’
And send it to 7422
Flight Schedule
Flight [Departure City] [Arrival City] eg ‘Flight Karachi Lahore’
Flight [Departure City] [Arrival City] [Date] eg ‘Flight Karachi Lahore 5Jan’
Flight [Flight number] [Date] eg ‘Flight Pk301 5Jan’
And send it to 7422
Awards Plus

Awards [9 Digit frequent flyer number] eg ‘Awards 123456789’
And send it to 7422
PNR Details

PNR [6 Character reference] eg ‘PNR JFKLMV’
Scheduled Flight Time
SMS to 7422 or PIAC:
Time [Flight number] eg ‘Flight PK301’
Time [Flight number] [Date] eg ‘Time PK301 5Jan’
And send it to 7422
To access above mentioned message formats from your mobile phone, simply SMS any one of the following to 7422:
* Help
* Book
* Seats
* Flights
* Awards
* Times
Check Points

  • If you want to fetch a list of city codes simply type City, City1, City2 or City3 and send it to 7422
  • Kindly ensure to insert space between words as specified in the above formats.
  • Traveling classes can be defined by typing the full class name or its short code as following

If there is any confusion, or you need to know other things call PIA Help line at +92-51-111-786-786

Or toll free numbers in following Countries:

Saudi Arabia    800-844-0524
UAE    8000-441-1270
United Kingdom    0-800-587-1023
USA    1-800-578-6786
Canada    1-800-578-6786
France    0800-90-5350

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