The Fulbright Program, a renowned American scholarship program for the competitive and merit-based grants for international educational exchange, is facing existential threat due to new budget allocation in the US.

The administration of the program has submitted a budget according to which Fulbright Program will face a cut of 47% for FY18.

The budget cut will force eliminations of many grants which will severely affect many countries including Pakistan.

Although the program has suffered from budget cuts in previous years from both parties, it has maintained a steady funding over the course of years.

In response to this, a petition has been started to restore the funding of the program back to the $250m level.

The petition has been started to protect the 71-year history of the program which has helped tens of thousands of international students, teachers, scholars, professionals, scientists and artists.

Former alumnus have started this advocacy platform, which contains a sample letter and a phone script to help the supporters send their message to their Congressional representatives electronically.

To support the Fulbright Program, supporters are urged to:

  • Register for National Conference
  • Join Fulbright’s social media campaign by using #StandForFulbright hashtag
  • Connect with Fulbright Association Chapter
  • Contact their college or university’s federal relations office

If you are a Fulbrighter, you can sign an online petition by clicking here.

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