Facebook, in a strange move, has unpublished the official Facebook page of Jamat-e-Islami, we have checked.

According to early details, Jamat-e-Islami’s Facebook page had some 3.1 million likes but was suddenly removed by Facebook for reasons that are still not communicated to Jamat-e-Islami.


Jamat-e-Islami officials, believe that their Facebook page is apparently removed due to its support for Kashmir.

“While we aren’t sure about the exact reason as Facebook has not yet responded to our communication, it could be due to our pro-Kashmir posts that we did in recent past”, said an official.

After PTI, JI’s Facebook was second largest for any political party in Pakistan.

We know that Facebook — amid pressure from India — has been hunting for Facebook pages and accounts that support Kashmir. Earlier Hamza Ali Abbasi’s Facebook page was removed for pro-Kashmir updates.


Facebook has just published the Jamat-e-Islami page again. It said that request for re-consideration was evaluated and page was published again.


Also Read: Facebook is Silencing the Voice of Kashmiris


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