Download Ring Tones for latest hit songs, answer this questions and win gold, valuing millions, do this and do that – these are kind of messages a Pakistani mobile subscriber get every other hour.

These SPAM SMS messages, which initially were meant to be a free VAS to keep customer updated about latest promotions have now become a major revenue generating source for cellular companies.

This deem true especially in case of lucky draws and quizzes – as cellular companies bombard each and every subscriber (except postpaid) with these quiz messages to lure maximum number of mobile subscribers to participate in any particular quiz.

It won’t be out of place to mention that one reply from customer to such lucky draw messages makes at least Rs. 10 for respective mobile operator, while they get million of such replies for each campaign.

To get maximum engagement, these SMSes are often sent in roman Urdu or even in Unicode to make sure that each and every mobile subscriber is able to reach and understand the message.

This goes worst if you are an MNP user – in this case you will not only get promotional messages from your current operator but your ex-operator will also keep sending you such irritating messages.

Though cellular operators tell us that subscribers can call helplines to get their number off-list for any promotional message but our readers experience otherwise. Many of our readers keep sending us queries that they have called helpline this and this much time to stop these messages but of no use.

Their only hope is PTA, which is usually not much bothered about such small things. Mobile subscribers urge a simple way to opt-out of the list for receiving any SPAM messages. This would be equally beneficial for mobile operators too – as they can save resources by not sending messages to those who are not interested in such offers.

You can comment below to tell us your story about SPAM SMS that you receive daily.

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