Print, an online classified forum where people can buy and sell cars/bikes and other vehicles, is organizing a photo competition called ‘Click Your Car’.

To participate in the competition people just have take a picture of themselves with their car, upload it on and get their friends to vote.

The voting is open to the public, so the person with the most vote wins. Last day for submission of picture is the 5th of May 2014.

Commenting on the competition Ali Izhar, Managing Director of Carmudi Pakistan, said, “We want people to engage with Carmudi on a personal level. We want to share their enthusiasm and be a part of their story. And what better way to do it than have a fun competition that allows everyone to exhibit their personal association with their cars.”

The photo competition is incentive driven with sought after prizes like the iPad Air aimed at engaging with the car crazed youth and introducing this new platform in an exciting way.

This initiative will allow car enthusiasts to express themselves through simply taking a picture, or rather the much crazed ‘selfie’, and in turn have a chance to win from a list of grand prizes.

More information regarding this competition can be found on

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