PTCL earlier today warned its customers about some fraudulent companies campaigning different fake schemes by issuing a press release. Here is what the content of the press release mentioned:

It has come to the knowledge of Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited (PTCL) that some unknown companies, firms and/or personnel are using deceptive marketing practices including door to door campaigns by using PTCL’s Products & Services and fraudulently swindling money from the general public by offering the different Prize Schemes/Packages/Campaigns coupled with other Services of PTCL.

PTCL, therefore intimate its existing and potential customers NOT to entertain, trust or fall for such activities initiated by certain companies, firms and/or personnel. All the existing and potential customers are STRICTLY advised to utilize authorized franchisees, customer care centers, website and PTCL designated toll free numbers for information and subscription of PTCL’s Product and Services.

PTCL shall not be liable for any loss to any person in consequence of such fraudulent activities and deceptive marketing practices by the third parties.

It merits mentioning here that ProPakistani had warned readers about fake wireless broadband ISPs working on same patterns. Please do call on official numbers of the respective companies to check on any schemes if you get a call.

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