Arfa Abdul Karim Randhawa.

She could’ve been 20 today. And still making Pakistan proud.

She may have been the youngest Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP) at 9 years of age. But she was so much more than that. She was more than what her parents and loved ones saw in her. What Bill Gates saw in her.

She was the face of a Pakistan that was kind, gentle and full of positive energy and spirit. A Pakistan that could compete with the best of them.

But all in all, she was a fantastic human being who left a void and a message alike for Pakistan.

Inquiring minds like her are rare in this world. Even though some four long and arduous years have passed since her ascent to the hereafter, her memory remains permanently etched in the Pakistani consciousness. We know how much role models like her are hard to come by in Pakistan.

But one thing is for sure. She may not be with us but her example has inspired many more budding minds that reside in Pakistan. Her example has spurred the likes of Babar Iqbal (another youngest MCP at 9 years) and even a 5 year old Ayan Qureshi. The triumph of the human mind and spirit knows no bounds. All it takes is one person to show us the way.

So this day in history, here’s to you Arfa Karim.

Earth has one gentle soul less,

And Heaven one angel more.

May you rest in peace.

Arfa Karim made history in 2004 when she, at 9 years of age, achieved Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP) Status. She went on to represent Pakistan at various international and local forums. She has been the recepent of numerous awards such as Fatimah Jinnah Gold Medal, Salaam Pakistan Youth Award, and President’s Pride of Performance. She passed away on 14 January 2012.

For more on her life story, you can read all about it here.

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