Seeing how common leaks are becoming with upcoming product launches, Apple decided to roll out a memo to all its employees, warning them of consequences if they didn’t follow its code of conduct. How do we know about it? Thanks to another leak, of course.

The memo, which was published on Cupertino’s internal blog and written by product marketing executive Greg Joswiak, was discovered by Bloomberg. Apple has not released a statement yet.

Leakers Caught by Apple

The tone he takes is pretty serious, as you’d expect. It reveals that the company had caught 29 leakers just last year, 12 of which were arrested.  “These people not only lose their jobs, they can face extreme difficulty finding employment elsewhere,” it read.


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Given that Apple products are among the most-awaited in the industry, it is not surprising to see the stern response.

The memo contends that leaks not only squander the work of thousands of people who work on Apple products but also give a chance to competitors to catch up, aside from causing fewer sales.  “We want the chance to tell our customers why the product is great, and not have that done poorly by someone else,” it reads.

Friends in High Places

It warns of fake friends in the press, who befriend Apple employees on professional and social media networks, prying them for information under the guise of friendship.

“Everyone comes to Apple to do the best work of their lives — work that matters and contributes to what all 135,000 people in this company are doing together,” says the memo in the end. “The best way to honor those contributions is by not leaking.”

Whether the strict measures in place will help identify the leaker of this memo remains to be seen.

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