American News Agency, Associated Press, does not want any one (specifically the bloggers and other internet media) to quote their news items. What they allow is to quote only four words without paying. Techcrunch has already banned AP on TechCrunch and all their sister concerns. What other gonna do?

AP says that you can quote AP stories in more than 4 words by paying them according to below table

5-25 Words:    $12.50
26-50 Words:     $17.50
51-100 Words: $25.00
101-250 Words: %50.00
251 or above words: $100

I don’t see any such thing being implemented here in Pakistan; where we hesitate/don’t want to even give the backlinks. Still the rule is there, and AP can sue you if you are not abiding by it. Another point is, I don’t see majority of Pakistani bloggers in such a financial state to pay this much fee for quoting just couple of sentences.

However, if you want to buy some content then you can pay the fee here by notifying about your website and the except that you are going to quote from any of AP story.

When it comes to Pakistan and bloggers here, the mdia, print or the electronic, the situation is worst… I left an organization to fight this plagiarism; i am, myself, a victim of this copy pasting…check below the links of posts which were copied from my blog and pasted as they were… and the noble person didn’t bother to even give a backlink…

Somebody suggest me what should we do????

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