
Instagram is one of the best places to build your brand online, whether that brand is for you personally, or your business. Whatever reasons you have for wanting to build your brand, so long as your content contains a visual element, then Instagram is the place for you.

To give you some ideas about how to maximize this platform’s potential, we have rounded up a list of the best Instagram themes to try out on the platform. Additionally, we’ve also touched on the topic of “niche”—and how the niche you pick will intersect with your theme.

Picking Your Instagram Niche

Instagram Niches

If you’re already well-versed with your content, and you’re just looking for ideas for Instagram themes, scroll past this part. You probably have your niche figured out.

If you don’t know what to post, however, or why your content is just as important as your theme, then this section is for you.

To put it simply:

  • The internet is an amazing place, but it is completely oversaturated with information.
  • To sort through the noise, users have turned to keywords and hashtags to find niche content that is directly related to their interests.
  • If you want to stand out, you need to play this niche interest to your advantage.

To learn more about niches, we recommend reading our article detailing how to attract more Instagram followers by picking a niche. We’ve also listed a few examples of popular niches.


Blogging about food is a booming business. While it is a very crowded market, if you absolutely love cooking and you have a flair for mouth-watering pictures, then Instagram is a great place to try this niche out.


Travel bloggers and vloggers are always interesting, as there are lots of great places in the world to visit. Photos from far-off places that other people can only dream of visiting can really draw in the crowds.

For travel-focused Instagram aesthetics, there are plenty of different avenues you can explore, ranging from the wilderness, to abandoned ruins, to tropical, sunny destinations. If you live in a really beautiful city, you can set out to document your local surroundings for international followers, too.

Fashion and Lifestyle

Like Food, Fashion and Lifestyle is a booming industry. Because this section is so large, it can be broken up into dozens of different niches. You really need to think about what sort of topic you want to cover in order to target that audience, its keywords, and associated hashtags.

Books, Writing, and Studying

Yes, we know! The idea of books, writing, or studying being popular on Instagram does not immediately make sense. However, it’s one of the larger, livelier subcultures that you can find on the platform. If you’re a writer with any sort of public platform, or you want to speak to the college crowds, then this may be the niche for you.

The Best Instagram Themes to Use

Now that we’ve touched on niches, let’s move on to the main part of this article: a list of Instagram themes that you can use to build your brand.

While we won’t cover all of the themes currently out there, we will talk about the most popular (and creative). We’re also going to highlight and link you to some accounts who use these themes really, really well—and recommend that you follow them, too.

1. Rainbow or Single-Color Instagram Themes

Blue Instagram Themes benjaminhardman

Rainbow or single-colored themes are a type of color-coded scheme that you can apply to your Instagram. They are simple to execute, a bit difficult to plan, but full of creativity—so long as you push them far enough.


  • With a rainbow theme, the idea is to pick a photo with a dominant color, and post it. Let’s say that color is yellow.
  • Next, pick a photo with a dominant color that is right next to yellow on the color wheel. Post that too. Let’s say the color is orange.
  • After that, post a photo with a dominant color on the color wheel next to orange, and so on, until your Instagram feed has created a rainbow-like effect.


  • With a single-color theme, pick one color to work with. All of your pictures must utilize it.
  • This theme takes more skill to pull off than people realize, along with a lot of careful planning, but it can be done.

To see an example of a rainbow theme in action, check out @oakandink.

To see an example of a single-color theme, scroll through @benjaminhardman, featured above.

2. Flat Lay Instagram Themes

Instagram Flat Lay Themes flatlays

Another popular and successful theme that you can try out is “flat lay.” It’s the practice of taking pictures from above.

With this Instagram theme:

  • Each picture in your theme can be of whatever object you desire, so long as the picture is photographed from a bird’s eye view.
  • You can combine this theme with one of the other themes on the list to create a really interesting visual effect.
  • This theme works particularly well with books, writing, and studying “niches.” However, it can work well for food, too.

Check out @flatlays to see a good example of it.

3. Puzzle Instagram Themes

Instagram Puzzle Themes juniperoats

Are you looking to create more of a challenge, both for yourself and your followers? Then you should try out a puzzle theme. This is essentially the act of creating one larger picture out of several smaller shots.

By taking advantage of Instagram’s square grid, this theme takes a larger image, slices them up into smaller squares, then stitches those pictures back together, post by post. The full picture can only be viewed if someone visits your user page.

Puzzle themes definitely take more work to pull off, but when done correctly, they can look amazing.

Check out @juniperoats to see this Instagram theme in action (and follow them for some amazing art).

4. Continuous Filter Themes for Instagram

Instagram Theme Ideas lucyinthesskyy

With this theme, each image you post to Instagram should be utilizing the same filter in order to achieve a uniform “look.” The subject matter, dominant color, and perspective don’t matter, so long as it appears that the same filter is being used.

While this theme might seem easy, users beware:

  • Filters react differently to different underlying hues, changes in brightness, intensity, and contrast.
  • In order to ensure that some of your images don’t appear too dark, too bright, or too washed out, you may need to adjust your favorite filter’s settings each time you post.

To see a good example of this theme, check out @lucyinthesskyy.

5. Dark, Light, or Pastel Instagram Themes

Light Instagram Themes thebookwormofnotredame

Lastly, one of the simplest and most enjoyable “aesthetics” that you can use is a dark, light, or pastel-colored theme for Instagram.

With these three themes, the aim is fairly simple.

  • For dark Instagram themes, each image must feature a dark-colored setting or filter.
  • For light Instagram themes, each image must feature a bright atmosphere, colors, or setting.
  • With pastel Instagram themes, all objects and dominant colors within the image must be washed out or “soft.”

If you’re looking to create an overall professional-looking brand with a minimal amount of effort, then one of these three themes might be for you. You can see an example of a light theme with @thebookwormofnotredame featured above.

Check out @cestmaria too.

Choose the Right Instagram Aesthetic for Your Account

If you’re still trying to figure out how to build your brand on Instagram, the platform can seem like an overwhelming place. However, as long as you have your niche picked out and a theme in mind, you can create a beautifully appointed space that will gain you followers too.

Once you have nailed Instagram, you should look to brand all of your social media accounts.

Read the full article: The Best Instagram Themes to Help Build Your Brand