
Netflix loves to hide its cool features. It took much longer than we care to admit for us to notice the presence of the secret codes that can unlock an untold number of secret genres.

Now it turns out that Netflix also offers a way for you to recommend shows and movies that you want to see added to their video library. Surprised? We were too.

Even more surprisingly, in a tweet, Netflix seemed to think we all knew about the feature already. Um, no Netflix, no we didn’t.

So, how does this magical new discovery work? Let’s take a closer look.

How to Suggest New Shows and Movies to Netflix

The process is simple, just head to and fill in the titles of your three recommendations. When you’re happy with your entries, complete the Captcha and click on Submit Suggestion.

There is no limit on the number of times you can use the service, though Netflix does explicitly say that submitting the same request more than once won’t increase the likelihood of your show being selected.

Once you’ve made your submission, Netflix will keep you updated on its progress via email. It will also use your suggestions to make recommendations about other shows you might like.

Unfortunately, there are no guarantees that Netflix will take you up on your recommendations. Some content rights are exclusively linked to certain distributors, some streaming rights aren’t for sale, and some shows you might recommend simply don’t have enough demand among Netflix’s userbase.

Of course, there’s more than enough content already on Netflix to keep you going for a while. If you’re stuck for something to watch, check out our list of modern sci-fi movies, scary movies, BBC documentaries, and war films.

Read the full article: How to Suggest New Shows and Movies to Netflix