Do you believe that anyone can make a difference in the world? Despite the numerous opportunities to make a change today, many people sadly don’t take advantage of them often enough.

However, if you’re up to the challenge, we’re here to show you how you can do social good without leaving your desk. What follows is a list of various social impact apps. Choose a cause that you’d like to support, or help solve multiple problems by joining a few of these platforms.

Apps That Help You Improve Yourself

Have no idea where to start changing the world? It’s always good to begin by making a positive change in yourself. And yes, you guessed it—there are apps for that.

1. Forest

The first on our list is a productivity app called Forest. Its main purpose is teaching you to stop using your smartphone as a distraction and concentrate on completing your work and other tasks.

While this app is excellent for improving your time management skills and improving productivity, we put it on the list of social good apps for a reason. Forest teaches you to “be present in your daily life.” Whether it’s your studies, work, or spending time with other people—it’s time to put down your smartphone and start living your actual life.

Download: Forest for iOS ($2) | Android (Free)

2. Khan Academy

Want to take part in positive change, but don’t think you’re educated enough to help?

Khan Academy is an excellent app for personal development that you can use to learn almost anything. Find answers to complicated questions, improve your practical skills, and test your knowledge with interactive quizzes and tests.

After learning more, you’ll be better equipped to help others with your newfound skills and knowledge.

Download: Khan Academy for iOS | Android (Free)

3. Recyclebank

Recyclebank is an app for reducing waste. With it, you get rewards every time you help your home community cut down on waste. This includes everything from educating yourself and others about what can be recycled to keeping garbage out of the landfill at home.

Ultimately, this saves you money. But how does it make a difference?

With Recyclebank, you help cut down on waste. This also means helping avoid tons of carbon dioxide emissions being discharged into the atmosphere. Going green is a good way to start making a positive change in your life and in the world around you.

Download: Recyclebank for iOS | Android (Free)

Apps That Help You Help Others

Working on yourself is good practice. But looking around you and helping those in need is just as important. No matter how little that help is, it can have a greater impact on the world and your life than you would expect.

4. ShareTheMeal

ShareTheMeal is the United Nations’ World Food Program app that gives you an opportunity to literally share your meals with those in need from all over the world.

You can donate any amount of money (as little as $0.50) with just one tap that will feed one hungry child today. Choose to make a one-time donation or join a campaign for a month, three months, or even a year. All the proceedings from the users’ donations go to the United Nations’ World Food Program, which provides the food.

Download: ShareTheMeal for iOS | Android (Free)

5. Charity Miles

Did you know that you can donate to charities by browsing the web or playing online games? What about donating while you exercise?

Charity Miles is an app that lets you to raise money for charities all while you walk, run, or bike. This is all thanks to the company’s partners and sponsors. All you need to do is choose a charity and get out of your house. Charity Miles will measure the distance that you walk, run, or cycle and you’ll earn a certain amount of money that you can then donate. You’ll earn $0.10/mile for cycling and $0.25/mile for walking or running).

Download: Charity Miles for iOS | Android (Free)

6. One Today

Not a big fan of jogging, but still looking for a way to safely donate money to a good cause online? Then you need One Today. It’s a mobile app that builds bridges between charities and people looking to help others by giving $1 donations.

One Today shows you a new project every day, and you can donate to each cause with just one tap. Want to make a bigger impact? Share the project’s information and your donations with friends on social media and encourage them to contribute as well.

Download: One Today for iOS | Android (Free)

7. WE Day

Looking for something a little more challenging than just running or cycling? Welcome to WE Day, an online platform for making a positive global impact by acting locally.

On WE Day you can find a whole community of like-minded people to complete challenges with. The activities shared in the app are organized into causes that you can support and range from environmental to human rights issues.

The app has an interactive system that allows you to earn badges and symbolic awards for completing challenges. That way you can track how your life and the life of your community changes, one action at a time.

Download: WE Day for iOS | Android (Free)

8. My Life as a Refugee

My Life as a Refugee app

My Life as a Refugee is an app created by the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR). The app uses simple graphics and real-life stories to raise awareness about the organization’s project and people in crisis they work to support.

My Life as a Refugee gives you an insight into the hardship of everyday life that refugees go through on a daily basis.

Download: My Life as a Refugee for iOS (Free)

Ready to Change the World?

With such a variety of tools and apps for doing social good, you don’t even need to be an actual activist to improve the world around you. If these apps didn’t inspire you, you might enjoy other charitable acts of technology. The only remaining question is: are you ready to answer the call, improve your life, and the lives of those around you?