Do you think you are lucky, luck is something that comes to everybody at random. Watch these people escape the death.

  • Luckiest Polish Army Soldier

During the 21 guns salute when a soldier escaped the blank fire from another soldier right behind him.

  • Luckiest pedestrian

During a road cross this pedestrian encountered the scariest moment of his life when the van approaching towards him wa hit by another car from the side and nearly crushed this pedestrian.

  • Death by Flying Debrie

During a demolition in this video when people were gathered to watch the incredible demolition of a building a flying debris which is a rock from the building is flying towards the crowd at deadly speed which could have hurt someone seriously on its way.

  • luckiest Cyclist

A cyclist who was crossing the road with its regular speed, a Van coming from the opposite direction which seems to cross the road but another speeding car coming towards the cyclist collided with the van, and Cyclist missed both of the vehicles to crush him to death.

  • Caught In Mid Air

In this video an 80 year woman who was trying her first parachute jump with her instructor, when she jumps out of the plan it causes her to slip from her parachute but her instructor was holding her during the whole decent. She was the luckiest of them all.