Traveling from Rawalpindi to Kot Addu Junction has become easier with 1 train(s). Following is the list of train timings and fares for this journey:

List of Train Fares From Rawalpindi to Kot Addu Junction

Train Name Departure Time Fares (Economy) Fares (AC Lower) Fares (AC Sleeper) Fares (AC Business) Destination Arrival Time
Mehr Express 4:15 PM Rs. 530 Rs. 940 N/a N/a 3:20 AM

Tickets for these train(s) can be booked by dialing the Pakistan Railway helpline at: 117

Rawalpindi is the fourth largest city of Pakistan by population and Rawalpindi-Islamabad as a metropolitan area is the third largest in the country. If you’ve traveled over the Mehr Express train from this city to Kot Addu, do share your experience in the comments section below!