Millat Express departs Landhi Junction at 7:48 AM for Karachi Cantt. The train stops for a brief moment over 1 stations on the way to its destination. Following is the schedule & ticket prices of Millat Express from Landhi Junction to the respective destination cities.

List of Millat Express Train Fares & Timing (towards Karachi Cantt)

Train Station Name Arrival Time Departure Time Fares (Economy) Fares (AC Sleeper) Fares (AC Lower) Fares (AC Business)
Landhi Junction 7:46 AM 7:48 AM N/a N/a N/a N/a
Drigh Road 8:12 AM 8:14 AM Rs. 90 N/a N/a Rs. 390
Karachi Cantt 8:30 AM Rs. 90 N/a N/a Rs. 390

Tickets for these train(s) can be booked by dialing the Pakistan Railway helpline at: 117