Sobho dero is a town located in Sindh. It falls under the administrative jurisdiction of Khairpur District and has an administrative status of a Tehsil. Sobhodero has a population of 274, 428 inhabitants according to the population consensus survey of 2017. Majority of the people living in the area are Sindhis with Sindhi as the major spoken language. Meanwhile there are other small Pashtun, Balochi, Punjabi and Hindu settlements in the area.

The city has a poor educational infrastructure and reflects the deteriorating conditions of Interior Sindh. There is also a huge lag of infrastructural facilities with poorly constructed roads and a very few medical centres. The main source of income for the local population is agriculture.

For financial transactions, the following banks are available in the area:


Name Branch Code Address Phone Number ATM Facility
Habib Bank Limited 1304 Ranipur Riyasat, Sobhodero 0243-730243 Yes
Muslim Commercial Bank Limited 0788 Ranipur Road, Sobhodero 0243-750314 Yes
National Bank of Pakistan 2083 Sagyoun Road, Sobhodero 0243-750508 Yes

This is the list of banks present in the Sobhodero. Easy Paisa and Jazz Cash services are also available in the town that help the locals in sending and receiving money.

If you’re from Sobhodero & can share more information like of any other banks, their locations (addresses), phone numbers or anything, please leave a comment so others can also benefit from it.

The post List Of Banks In Sobho Dero (Sindh) first appeared on Content.PK.