Sibi is a city located in Balochistan. It falls under the jurisdiction of Sibi District and has an administrative status of a Tehsil. Sibi District has a population of nearly 125, 000 inhabitants according to the population consensus survey of 2017. The city of Sibi is dominated by different ethnic groups of Balochis, Sindhis and Pashtuns who belong to different tribes which includes the Domki, Khajjak and Marri among others. There are different languages spoken by different ethnic groups and tribes which includes Balochi, Sindhi, Pashto and Saraiki.

The region is famously known as the “Hot spot” of Pakistan due to its extreme summer conditions and temperatures easily soar above 50 degree Celsius. There are many famous tourist site and tombs located in Sibi which includes Fort Mir Chakar Khan and Victoria Hall etc.

For financial transactions, the following banks are available in the area:

Name Branch Code Address Phone Number ATM Facility
Habib Bank Limited 0984 Jinnah Road, Sibi 0833-413426 Yes
Allied Bank Limited 0656 Liaqat Bazaar, Sibi 0833-412183 Yes
National Bank of Pakistan 0119 Nishtar Road, Sibi 0833-9230136 Yes
United Bank Limited 1498 Liaqat Bazaar, Sibi 0833-412502 Yes
Muslim Commercial Bank 0553 Liaqat Bazaar, Sibi 0833-412339 Yes

This is the list of banks present in the Sibi. Easy Paisa and Jazz Cash services are also available in Sibi

If you’re from Sibi & can share more information like of any other banks, their locations (addresses), phone numbers or anything, please leave a comment so others can also benefit from it.

The post List of Banks in Sibi (Balochistan) first appeared on Content.PK.