Ranipur is situated in Khairpur District which is in the province of Pakistan that is Sindh. The meaning of Rani is Queen which was given after a Princess who ruled Thatta and belonged from Darya Khan. The city is famous for Sugar Mills which are the famous sights in Pakistan. Ranipur is located where different villages of different tribes are like Watni, Sarki, Jamra, Juneja, Tagar, Brohi, Bhellar, Kalhora, Abbasi, Shahani, Wasan, Solangi, Rajper, Sahita and Ghangra. At 27°17’20North 68°30’16East Ranipur is located with an altitude of 45m and 150 in ft. There are different shrines in Ranipur for example a well known Sachal Sarmast shrine, where different traditional Sindhi tile works are displayed.

The hill station has banking facilities for its residents and it tourist. A list of banks in Ranipur along with its details is given below

Name Branch Code Address Phone Number ATM Facility
Khushhali Micro Finance Bank Limited N5, Main Bazar, Ranipur, Sindh (0243) 730229 Yes
United Bank Limited 479 Shop No 555-556, N5, Main Bazar, Ranipur, Sindh Yes
MCB Ranipur 1536 Shop No 555-556, N5, Main Bazar, Ranipur, Sindh 0243-630242 Yes
National Bank of Pakistan 2040 Service Road, Ranipur, Khairpur, Sindh Yes
Soneri Bank Ranipur 1634 Service Road, Ranipur, Khairpur, Sindh Yes

Above mentioned is the list of Banks in Ranipur for ATM services. You can use ATM facilities to carry out withdrawals, cash deposits, funds transfer, or you can also obtain account information whenever you want.

If you are from Ranipur and can give any more information like the information of any other banks, their addresses, phone numbers or anything, please use the comments section so that others can also benefit from it as well.

The post List of banks in Ranipur (Khairpur) (Sindh) first appeared on Content.PK.