Kotri is a city located in Sindh. It falls under the administrative jurisdiction of Jamshoro District and has an administrative status of a Tehsil. Kotri has a population of nearly 437, 561 inhabitants according to the population consensus survey of 2017. Majority of the people living in the area are Sindhis with Sindhi as the major spoken language while other small Pashtun and Hindu tribes also present in the city.

Located right on the banks of Indus River, agriculture remains the main source of income for the local population. The city also has a very busy railway station which in fact was the first ever railway station built in the history of Pakistan from Karachi to Kotri, way back in 1861.

For financial transactions, the following banks are available in the area:

Name Branch Code Address Phone Number ATM Facility
Habib Bank Limited 1699 Liaqat Road, Kotri 022-3874367 Yes
Sindh Bank Limited 0403 River Point, Kotri 022-3874221 Yes
National Bank of Pakistan 0021 Amir Complex, Kotri 022-3875413 Yes
United Bank Limited 107 Tehsil Kotri 022-2771237 Yes
Muslim Commercial Bank 1544 Liaqat Road, Kotri 022-387437 Yes

This is the list of banks present in the Kotri. Easy Paisa and Jazz Cash services are also available in Kotri

If you’re from Kotri & can share more information like of any other banks, their locations (addresses), phone numbers or anything, please leave a comment so others can also benefit from it.

The post List Of Banks In Kotri (Sindh) first appeared on Content.PK.