Kahuta is a city located in Punjab. It falls under the administrative jurisdiction of Rawalpindi District and has an administrative status of a Tehsil. Kahuta has a population of nearly 220,000 inhabitants according to the population consensus survey of 2017. The city of Kahuta is dominated by Punjabis belonging to different casts. Meanwhile Punjabi and Pothwari are the most commonly spoken languages in the region by majority of the population.

Kahuta is most commonly known throughout the country for being the location where Pakistan’s atomic bomb was developed in the famous “Khan Research Laboratories.” The laboratory is named after Dr Abdul Qadeer Khan, who was the chief scientist during the development of the bomb. The place remains heavily guarded due to its National significance.

For financial transactions, the following banks are available in the area:

Name Branch Code Address Phone Number ATM Facility
Habib Bank Limited 1114 Main Bazaar, Kahuta 0513-311188 Yes
Allied Bank Limited 0509 Police Station Road, Kahuta 0513-312987 Yes
National Bank of Pakistan 0442 Kahuta Branch, Kahuta 0513-312002 Yes
United Bank Limited 198 Kahuta Branch, Kahuta 0513-311797 Yes
Zarai Taraqiati Bank Limited 138 Rawlakot Road, Kahuta 0513-312603 Yes

This is the list of banks present in the Kahuta. Easy Paisa, Jazz Cash and various local money agents are also available in Kahuta that help locals in sending and receiving money.

If you’re from Kahuta & can share more information like of any other banks, their locations (addresses), phone numbers or anything, please leave a comment so others can also benefit from it.

The post List of Banks in Kahuta (Punjab) first appeared on Content.PK.