Kahror Pakka or Kahror Pacca is a Tehsil in the district of Lodhran in province Punjab, Pakistan. The town is situated at 27km east from the district capital of Lodhran. The population of Kahror Pakka is 500,939. The city has hot and dry weather most of the year but does get winter for few months. The road from Kahror Pakka to Lodhran is 32 kilometer long and is a major road in the district of Lodhran as it passes through the city. The city is also known for an old railway station which was built in the year 1925. The railway is historic and is used as a stop for trains of Lahore and Karachi.

All the information regarding banks in Kahror Pakka is given below.

Name Branch Code Address Phone Number ATM Facility
HBL 0238 Khasra,No 22/2-Quaid-E-Azam Road-Kahroor Pacca, Lodhran


0608-342106 Yes
Khushhali bank   Union Council Bukshi Wali, Ward No. 16 / 8, Near Railway Chowk,Lodhran Road, Kahror Pacca




UBL 832 Main Road, Kahror Pacca, Tehsil Kahror Pacca District Lodhran 0608-342968 Yes
zarai taraqiati bank


  Lodhran Road, Kehror Pacca




Bank of Punjab 0216 Khawat # 3, Near Telephone Exchange, Dunyapur Road, Kehror Pakka. 0608-341117


MCB 0157 Near Sonari Masjid, Circular Road, Kehror Pacca, District Lodhran 0608-342787 Yes

Above mentioned is the list of Banks in Kahror Pakka for ATM services. You can use the ATM facilities to perform withdrawals, cash deposits, funds transfer, or you can also get account information whenever you want.

If you are from Kahror Pakka  and can give any more information for instance the information of any other banks, their addresses, phone numbers or anything, please use the comments section below so that others can also benefit from it as well.

The post List of Banks in Kahror Pakka (Punjab) first appeared on Content.PK.