Bebal is a small village located in KP province in Northern Pakistan. The village of Bebal is some miles west of the famous Kaghan Valley. A highway also runs near the town of Bebal due to which many people coming to and from the nearby town travels through this town. The scenery around the village of Bebal is very breathtaking and the village is often covered up in clouds making the high green tops of these mountains even more beautiful and dramatic. The local population is very small and depends mostly on tourism for a source of income. Many small local businesses are being run by the locals of Bebal on the way to popular tourist destinations. This also serves as a source of income for the local population. Urdu and Pashto are spoken and understood mostly around the town in Bebal.

Below is a list of the available banking services in Bebal for any sort of financial transactions like sending or receiving money:

Name Branch Code Address Phone Number ATM Facility
National Bank of Pakistan (NBP) 0574 N-15 near Behari Village 0997-500239 Yes


At the moment there are very few banks in Bebal and the area surrounding it. But it is hoped that in future as development takes place, more banks and ATMs will be opened up in Bebal.

If you are from Bebal, it is requested to share any missing information in the comments section below so that others may also benefit from it.

The post List of Banks in Bebal (KPK) first appeared on Content.PK.