NEM is a yet another blockchain platform that emphasizes over performance. Scale, speed, ease of development, customization options & security are key areas that NEM is focusing to build their blockchain.

NEM is the 7th ranked crypto coin with total market capitalization of above 9 billion USD. The trading symbol of NEM is XEM and overall community interest in growing in it. It was being traded at $1.90 USD on January 4th, 2018 with total market cap of above 17 billion USD but like all other crypto coins, it’s price has also decreased. At the moment, NEM (XEM) coin is priced at $1.08 USD. The futures seems promising & overall trend looks in a positive direction.

Buying any cryptocurrency in Pakistan is not that easy. With very limited access to online payment options, you would need to get hold of some Bitcoins first. Follow the guide to signup over Bitcoin & other cryptocurrency exchanges (if you haven’t already) and then follow the below steps to buy NEM (XEM) from HitBTC exchange.

Note that not all crypto coins are listed for trading over all crypto exchanges. Though NEM is listed over some of the top ranked exchanges but it’s not available over the Binance exchange. This might be a positive sign as well because NEM is in the process of getting listed over Binance & once it gets there, a price hike is very much expected!

How to Buy NEM (XEM) From HitBTC

  • Sign in to your HitBTC account
  • On your right side, you’ll find a section titled Instruments

How to Buy NEM (XEM) in Pakistan with HitBTC

  • Select XEM from the list

Buying NEM coin in Pakistan

  • After selecting XEM from the Instruments list, you’ll find Buy Market & Sell Market buttons

NEM coin price in Pakistan

  • This is the section of HitBTC trading platform where you can buy NEM coin (XEM) with 3 sets of options:
  1. Limit: with limit option, you can set your preferred buying price of NEM. Your buying order will only get processed if your preferred buying bid is hit.
  2. Market: with market option, you can buy NEM at the available price. (recommended for new users). Simply enter the amount of NEM coins you want to buy & the trading platform will execute the trade right away.
  3. Scaled: this option is only for the advance users. Only those, who’ve experience in financial market tradings, should use it. So, i’m not going to explain it because if you’re an experienced user, you don’t need an explanation & if you’re not an experienced user, it NOT for you!

The Account section of your HitBTC terminal will show you the amount of NEM coins you’ve bought.

So, now you’ve converted your Bitcoins into NEM (XEM). I hope your investment gets you the returns you’re expecting! At the time of writing this article, NEM is priced at $1.09 USD or PKR 121 appx. with the total market capitalization of more than 9 billion USD. Let us know how much you’ve bought the NEM coin for & how much gains you’re expecting, in the comments section below.