NICOP or New Overseas Identity Card of Pakistan is a legal document issued by NADRA (National Database and Registration Authority) containing personal information related to the Pakistan citizen living outside of Pakistan. The Pakistani citizen may be studying abroad, residing abroad, or possess dual citizenship. A Pakistani citizen may apply for NICOP online at a domestic NADRA office. After obtaining a token number and submitting the fee, the applicant must provide their personal details, get photographed, provide signatures and fingerprints along with attested documents.

The applicant may also apply through the online portal

If you are already an identity card holder, you can providing the 13-digit number issued by NADRA of a Smart ID, CRC, or CNIC. After the NICOP is issued, the previous or original identity document shall be converted. If you do not have any previous identity card, you must provide your passport number. The NICOP application for a newborn or a minor shall be valid for ten years or until they turn 18, requiring subsequent renewal.

The online application will require registration by choosing the NEW NICOP option. After that you must select the appropriate choice No Previous Identity or Identity Holder. Before the data can be exposed to an Identity Holder, they must submit the required fee. In case of No Previous identity, the applicant shall submit the fee after the application has been filled. The fee ranges between Rs. 5,400-15,750 depending on the reason for application. The application shall require personal details, a photograph, supporting documents and verifier details. There must be two verifies who possess a valid CNIC/NICOP. The identity shall be verified through provision of fingerprints form along with declaration signature that shall be scanned and uploaded. The online form may also be filled in Urdu, it shall automatically be translated to English. This process might take about 20-30 minutes. The NICOP is delivered at the given address within 3-31 days depending on the urgency.