Mark your calendars because April 22 is set to witness India igniting the crypto fire over the media in a broader attempt to reach to the public and preach crypto-gospel to them. Shantanu Sharma, the founder of InCryptt Labs brings for the viewers, over the Amazon Fire TV, a talk show featuring nothing else but the cryptos. It was in preparations for the past 4 to 5 months as per InCryptt Labs and is not a ‘pilot’ at all. ‘Hard Fork’, being the title of the show intends to spread the word that the future can be much better and accessible to all in case we opt cryptos over the fiats right away. The show will feature the bright side of the cryptos and will attempt to eradicate the negativity that surrounds the cryptos.

Please look up to media platforms and spread the cryptos word as India is the only large democracy where blockchain innovation has been stifled because of bank restriction. We need to boost the cryptos adoption otherwise cryptos might not have a future within our country.

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Nischal Shetty, the chief executive officer for WazirX urges the local folks of India to gather round and shout out to the incumbent institutions to step ahead and bring the crypto reforms. People, the crypto enthusiasts have been eagerly awaiting such reforms lately. The latest of movement regarding cryptos was from the Supreme Court as they took to the task to evaluate regulating the cryptos. Their verdict is still pending and is not expected to be disclosed soon, leading the crypto fans to despair from their end.

InCryptt Labs have been working over this startup of theirs 6 to 7 months ago and they talked with a media company and Sharma had the perfect plan to execute the media coverage of the cryptos being chatted about in a talk show that he titled, ‘Hard Fork’. The talk with the media company was in process for about 4 to 5 months and they eventually did score themselves a nice spot over Amazon Fire TV. The show is set to be of 30 mins per episode discussing every nook of the cryptocurrency realm and the future prospects of it in the Indian continent. The Hard Fork is a reference to the forking of a crypto which means descendant cryptos with a specific traits from the one the cryptos have been forked from. Sharma describes his experience in his words.

“We started our own start-up 6-7 months ago. We wondered about how we could make a difference to the community and how could we do more. We started talking to a media company startup and debated the idea of starting up a channel that would be only dedicated to talking about cryptocurrencies. So, I’d say it’s been in the pipeline since the past 4 or 5 months”.

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Sharma has set out to bring the cryptos the deserved limelight and disclose the fact that the cryptos are more than mere units of some worth. The cryptos operate under a structured environment i.e. the blockchain which has other applications too, like Bakkt and similar others. Getting a media exposure will bring the cryptos to every TV in the neighbourhood i.e. all over India which will set up future prospects for petitions that can carry the incumbents towards regulating the cryptos calling the ban off as far as the banking system is concerned.

Nischal Shetty is another crypto personality that has been trying real hard to make the government and the supreme court of India to notice the cryptos and act so as to regulate these digital assets. He has opened his own venture, WazirX, a bitcoin exchange seeking to propel cryptos specially bitcoin so that India can have these assets a part of the legal financial system in days to come.

India has rather strict policies regarding the cryptos as recently we saw that the banking system admonished any use of the cryptos in case one intends to open account there. The signature over the form meant that the bank does not allow any crypto activity within their system or with the finance that comes out of the bank. Recently, the Supreme Court of India did decide to see into the crypto regulation avenue evaluating whether some good can come out of it. The verdict has been on hold for quite a time and now the Indian people have given up hope regarding this.

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