The growth of IOHK in the last year led them to seek a senior research manager. Mirjam Wester was put to task as the Senior Research Manager at IOHK earlier this year. She is joining the team of people working together facilitating the collaboration between researchers, and developers since they talk different languages and sometimes need help to ensure that their communication is more efficient. This way, she can guarantee that different projects will be done and will stick to the time frames.

With 20 years of experience to support the senior management in managing IOHK’s global research initiatives. Wester has a background in speech technology and a Ph.D. in automatic speech recognition. She has been working with IOHK’s Chief Scientist, Prof. Aggelos Kiayias at the IOHK research lab at the University of Edinburgh for the last 18 months on a project in privacy and security called Panoramix

As the senior research manager at IOHK, her central plan will include supporting the senior management in managing the different research streams at IOHK mainly focusing on the various processes to make sure they are in order with the hope that this will improve them and will also make it all more efficient. She has gone ahead to meet with researcher fellows; Bernardo, Mario, and the Tokyo tech in Tokyo in an effort to make IOHK more efficient.

IOHK’s director of engineering, Duncan Coutts, introduced the release of Cardano’s first test net he also explained that further test nets are scheduled. The first which has already been launched will see a second one launched next month.

Both test nets are distinct in their purpose, the first one which is about additional features such as tech previews and is the kind of ongoing test net which runs forever and is going to have a new version as well. The first one is also the rolling style while the second one will correspond very closely to what the current main net is, as it will get updated every seven weeks or so.

Hence, the period of test net might only be a week or two between when it is rolled out publicly. IOHK expects multiple test nets to run concurrently and one of them to run for quite a long time with many updates in between.

The currently launched test net is available at any time for anyone who wants to perform system integration, testing or whatever is associated. It also lets its users see what is to be done as part of the rolling development and rolling releases.

The purpose is for the end users to see what is going on and to try out new things. The two test nets are different, but both have Ethereum EVM related features.

According to IOHK’s director of engineering, Duncan Coutts, Cardano will eventually support EVM legacy compatibility with existing EVM program.